When Should I Be Concerned About Memory Loss?

Find out if your memory troubles could be an early sign of dementia

Most adults expect their memories to worsen a bit over time. You might notice that you forget appointments more often or need to write things down to remember them. Small changes in memory happen, and they’re typically not something to worry about. But sometimes, these small changes signal something more serious, like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

So how can you know if your memory lapses are a problem or just a normal part of aging? The following five signs signal that your memory loss may be due to something more serious than age.

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1. You’re Easily Agitated

When most of us think about dementia, we envision memory troubles. But there’s more to this devastating neurological condition than changes in cognition. Behavior, too, is likely to change with dementia. One of the most common symptoms of dementia is uncharacteristic agitation or aggression. (1) So, if you find that small things make you more irritable than they once did, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about the change.

2. You Care Less or Feel Down More Often

Another common sign of dementia is apathy, where you don’t care as much about things as you used to. Apathy can present in many ways. You might not get as excited about things you love, like traveling or visiting with friends. Or you may find that you don’t have the same drive to clean your home, make healthy food, or stay active. The overarching feeling can be one of feeling down and not having as many positive emotions as you’re used to.

3. You Struggle to Recall Recent Events

Memory problems are a hallmark of dementia, and one of the earliest dementia symptoms is having trouble remembering things like where you put your keys, what you did yesterday, or what you were just talking about. Worsening recall could be due to run-of-the-mill aging, but it’s best not to ignore it just in case. (2)

4. You Can’t Concentrate

Do you find yourself zoning out when someone else is speaking? Or maybe you can’t concentrate for long enough to watch a movie or finish this morning’s crossword puzzle. Difficulty concentrating can signal deteriorating brain health caused by neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

5. You Frequently Feel Confused

Confusion is another warning sign of dementia. You may feel disoriented, unsure of how you got to where you are. Or you might suddenly forget what you were talking about or not be sure who you’re talking to.

What To Do If You Suspect Something’s Wrong

Dementia is just one condition that can cause the above symptoms. And some people may experience some of these cognitive or behavioral changes simply due to getting older. Determining whether what you’re experiencing is normal is nearly impossible to do without the help of a medical professional. If you’re worried about memory problems or changes in your behavior and mood, it’s a good idea to see your doctor who can help you figure out what’s going on.

Simultaneously, you may want to take simple steps to improve your memory and try natural supplements for memory loss like Interceutical’s Better Memory or Better Memory PM. These strategies can help in the case of age-related memory troubles that aren’t caused by a medical condition.

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