100 customer reviews
Bladder Control for Women

If bladder control problems are bothering you, you came to the right place.

BettterWOMAN Bladder Control can help you with the following:

  • Fewer Bathroom Trips During the Day and at Night*
  • Better Bladder Control*
  • Fewer Occasional Leakages*
  • Sleep Better Through the Night*
  • Maintain An Active Life Style*
  • More Freedom and Confidence*

BetterWOMAN Bladder Control is a first clinically tested natural supplement for improving women's bladder control in the US. It has helped hundreds and thousands of women all over the world regain freedom and confidence since 2002.

Join these women. You can be the next BetterWOMAN success story if you act today.

Test Your Bladder

BetterWOMAN Bladder Control Urinary Health Supplement for Women
BetterWOMAN Bladder Control Urinary Health Supplement for Women

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BetterWOMAN was the first herbal remedy clinically-tested in United States in 2002 for its effectiveness in addressing bladder control issues. The formula was developed by a woman PhD for women. Users have noticed significant improvements in the following areas after using BetterWOMAN bladder control as directed.

  • Reduced frequent urination both during the day and at night
  • Reduced occasional urine leakage
  • Improved bladder control
  • Sleep better through the night

BetterWOMAN has helped women worldwide regained bladder control and confidence.

Act today, you have nothing to lose, but freedom to gain.

BetterWOMAN Quality Control

BetterWOMAN is manufactured in the United States under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Every single batch is assayed to ensure there is no heavy metal contaminations.

Effect of A Chinese Herbal Formula BetterWOMAN On Bladder Control Issues in Women

Wishnow al Menopause 2003; 10(6):578-8 ABSTRACT 14th Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society, September 2003

Study Objectives:

To evaluate the effect of a Chinese herbal formula on bladder control issues in women, including stress-related urinary urine leakage, sudden urinary urges, and frequent urination.


Evidence provided by the study suggests the key ingredients in BetterWOMAN significantly reduced female stress related urine leakage after a 60-day treatment. Over seventy percent (70%) of participants reported reduced urinary urgency and urinary frequency. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory has long suggested that the key ingredients in BetterWOMAN may improve the tonality and strength of the muscle systems that support the bladder functions by improving blood circulation, modulating hormone balance and modulating neuromuscular functions.

Over 70% of the participants reported improvements

Study Design:

The study included forty-five females aged from 35 to 78. Duration of the study was 60 days, and each participant was presented with a self-assessment questionnaire to quantitatively evaluate each participant’s results based on the pre- and post- BetterWOMAN treatment symptom scores.

For each parameter tested, the number of total qualified participants include those with a pre-treatment symptom score reported as “frequent” or more significant than frequent. To qualify as “reported improved”, a participant’s post-treatment symptom score must have improved from “frequent” to “occasionally” or better.

McNemar chi-squared statistic method was used for data analysis. The treatment dosage was one 400 mg BetterWOMAN capsule twice a day for 60 days with a 3-day break without capsules every 20 days.


  • Of 45 participants, 38 complete data points were collected (n=38) after 60 days.
  • Demographic distribution was 26.3% younger than 44 and 73.3% over 45 years old.
  • 86.8% participants are menopausal or post-menopausal women.
  • 76% reported decreased symptom of stress-related urinary leakage (n=21, p<0.05)
  • 70% reported decreased urinary urgency (n=20); and 73% reported decreased urinary frequency (n=15).
  • No negative side effects were reported.

Note: This is the Abstract of the original article, edited to conform to the dietary supplement regulations.

How Does BetterWOMAN Work?

The tone and strength of the muscle systems that control bladder functions are key to proper bladder function. In short, the stronger the muscles, the better control you will have over your bladder functions. BetterWOMAN improves muscle strength by naturally improving blood circulation, promoting hormone balance and modulating neuromuscular functions based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory.

What Are the Ingredients in Better WOMAN? Are they just herbs?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used herbal treatments for thousands of years with great success. In fact, traditional Western health care practitioners are increasingly recognizing the success of TCM methods and putting them to use. BetterWOMAN is a proprietary formula of 20 natural Chinese herbs. Each BetterWOMAN capsule contains 400mg of the herbal mixture. The following is the list of the herbs and their key related functions according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory.
  • Asian ginseng root: improves whole body vital energy (qi).
  • Chinese yam rhizome: improves the yang function of the kidney.
  • Chinese peony root: improves immune functions; acts as a vasodilator.
  • Deer antler velvet: improves overall metabolism.
  • Astragalus root: improves immune system, whole body stamina, modulates central
  • nervous system (CNS) functions.
  • Poria sclerotium: provides calming effects; strengthens yang functions.
  • Morinda root: strengthens muscle and endocrine system functions.
  • Asiatic dogwood fruit: improves yang function of the kidney.
  • Eucommia stem: strengthens muscle and bone functions; dilates peripheral blood
  • vessels.
  • Dong quai root: improves blood circulation.
  • Bupleurum root: relieves constrained qi and has a calming effect.
  • Lycium fruit: improves immune system function and the yin function of the kidney.
  • Rehmannia root: improves immune system function and the yin function of the kidney.
  • Epimedium leaf: improves muscle functions and modulates CNS function.
  • Szechuan lovage root: improves blood circulation and dilates peripheral blood vessels.
  • Schisandra fruit: improves yang function of the kidney.
  • Eleuthero root: modulates CNS function and has a calming effect.
  • Cynomorium stem: improves immune system and endocrine system.
  • Cassia bark: improves yang function of the kidney.
  • Palm-leaf raspberry fruit: modulates hormone balance.
Other ingredients include bovine gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, water, magnesium stearateand silicon dioxide.

Is it Safe to Take BetterWOMAN?

There are no known side effects or contraindications with common medications. BetterWOMAN contains no hormones or stimulants. All Chinese herbs used in the BetterWOMAN formula are pure and natural. In a toxicity study, no abnormality was observed in lab animals given 330 times the human dosage of BetterWOMAN powder. BetterWOMAN is manufactured in the USA under cGMP standards. Each batch of the product is assayed and guaranteed with no heavy metal contamination.As with all supplements and medications, keep the bottle out of the reach of children. Consult a health care professional before taking this or any supplement. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.

How Should I Take BetterWOMAN?

Take two capsules daily. Minimum recommended dosage 3-4 bottles. Take a 3-day break between bottles. Continue use thereafter for ongoing improvement and maintenance. For faster results, you may take 2 capsules twice or three times a day.

What size order should I start with?

It is highly recommended that new users start with the 4- or 6-bottle packages. It takes 2 months minimum to see results. Be patient and you will see results. 

I want to re-order. What’s the best deal?

Our auto-ship programs give you the best saving with free shipping for US address. You can change shipping dates or cancel easily. You don't have to worry about running out of the products.

Do I Have to Take BetterWOMAN Forever?

Once you have regained bladder control, you may take a break from using BetterWOMAN until you feel you need it again. The benefits will not go away immediately. However, because the body metabolizes all substances it takes in, you may need to begin taking BetterWOMAN again. For best results, take BetterWOMAN on a regular basis. BetterWOMAN not only specifically improves bladder control but also systematically provides anti-aging benefits for women via improved blood circulation and hormone modulation balance naturally, especially for women over 45 years old.

What is Your Return Policy?

We provide a 90-day refund policy to our first time customers for any unopened bottles.View More Details

Reviews: (100)

BetterWOMAN Review
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Verified Buyer

Bev T.

Verified Buyer

I have been using ‘Better Women’ for over 10 years and still love it!

Karen S. - "as if someone turned off the spigot"

Verified Buyer

Near the end of my first three months taking Better Woman, all of a sudden it was as if someone turned off the spigot. I went from three or four bathroom trips a night to one or two. No more of that awful urgency and having the bad thing happen. Then – further proof: I reordered with the 7-10 business day shipping and it never came. Customer service said there was a glitch in the system. I was out for 17 days and boy, did my symptoms return. My order arrived today and I can’t wait to get it loaded back into my system and return to a peaceful existence.

Beverly D

Verified Buyer

I have been a customer for years! I recommend BetterWoman to whoever brings up needing help with bladder control. I cannot be without it! It helps me to be in control. Thank you for providing a supplement for all ages.

Barbara H.

Verified Buyer

The drugs for this problem were so expensive and didn’t do anything. This is wonderful and helping me. I’m thrilled with it. I think it’s conquered the problem for me!

Judith S.

Verified Buyer

I was so pleased with my original purchase of BetterWOMAN that I am ordering again.  It is an effective product!

Beverly D.

Verified Buyer

I have been using BetterWOMAN for years.  I recommend it to everyone if the subject comes up.  I even took it to my urologist and showed him what I was taking.  SO much cheaper than the RX prescribed, which my insurance would not cover.

Christine P.

Verified Buyer

I have been thrilled with how BetterWOMAN works!  Sneezing isn’t scary anymore!

Judy P

Verified Buyer

I’ve been using BetterWoman since 2017. I love it! Now I’m sharing it with my daughter and my great niece.

Marilyn G

Verified Buyer

I have been using Better Woman for several years now, it has been such a wonderful product for me and I can’t tell you how much my life has improved because of Better Woman.  My husband & I are retired and lead a very active life, hiking, playing Pickleball & visiting National Parks.  Which wouldn’t be the case for me if it were not for Better Woman.  Many many THANKS

Peggy C

Verified Buyer

BetterWoman worked the first time I took it! I’ve just made my second order!

Elzira F.

Verified Buyer

I have been using BetterWOMAN for years!

Priscilla C

Verified Buyer

BetterWoman really works!

Marianne B

Verified Buyer

I ran out of BetterWOMAN a few weeks ago – the result was awful.  I had instant uncontrollable leakage when I had to go.  I had to go back to pads and had several “accidents” daily.  I can’t thank you enough for having this product.

Susan K.

Verified Buyer

I’ve been using BetterWOMAN for a couple of years.  It does help.

Peggy C.

Verified Buyer

I have been ordering BetterWOMAN for nine years.  Love it!  BetterWOMAN has been a Godsend as I travel a lot and it can be difficult to find a restroom.

Nancy M – less time running to the bathroom

Verified Buyer

I have been using BetterWOMAN since 2010 and I find it to be very effective!  It prevents me from having to go to the bathroom so frequently and decreases the urgency so I’m not always on the run!  I recommend BetterWOMAN to my friends and family because of how much it helps me.

Carolyn P.

Verified Buyer

I’ve been taking BetterWoman since 2008. Last year I switched to a medication my doctor recommended, which was murdering my legs. BetterWoman works way better!  I am back on it again.


Verified Buyer

I’ve been using Betterwoman since 2016 and I really like it. It not only helps with my bladder control, but also keeps me regular. It’s amazing!

Linda R.

Verified Buyer

…been using BetterWOMAN for years, HOORAY!

Margene C

Verified Buyer

If I had known Betterwoman worked this well for my bladder, I would have started taking it sooner! I also feel better overall while taking the product.

Kathy A

Verified Buyer

This will be my second time ordering these pills. I think they have helped a lot. I do not have the urgency as before!

Pamela M

Verified Buyer

“This BetterWOMAN herbal formula helps!  Not perfect, but improved.”

Laura W, 72 “Helps with post-menopausal symptoms”

Verified Buyer

I find that my bladder problems are not as extreme.  I have also found that if I take 3 capsules a day (one morning, noon, and night) that the BetterWoman helps alleviate my post-menopausal symptoms such as heart palpitations and night sweats.

Kimberly C.

Verified Buyer

I have been ordering BetterWOMAN for 4 years.

Joann B. - works great!

Verified Buyer

I have been using this product for almost a year and it works great!

Beverly, M.

Verified Buyer

We found that trying this product to help my Mom is truly working to stop her bladder issues.

Elizabeth L

Verified Buyer

I am impressed with results.

Pat H.

Verified Buyer

I’ve used other supplements, but no one can duplicate your BetterWoman.

Susan B

Verified Buyer

I have tried this product before, very satisfied with it.

Caroline W.

Verified Buyer

“…wonderful product!”

Lucy K.

Verified Buyer

“I’m halfway through my 3rd bottle and it’s helping. I’m no longer waking every hour and am sleeping and feeling so much better

Emma B

Verified Buyer

I had originally heard about Better WOMAN from my mom. I’ve been using it over 10 years. It works.

Sharon J. No side effects!

Verified Buyer

My husband and I have been taking BetterMAN and BetterWOMAN for many years.  I have been taking BetterWOMAN since 2007 and my husband started taking BetterMAN in 2013.  We really love that even after taking this for so many years, we have never experienced any side effects!  It’s a great homeopathic solution to a troubling problem.

Joan T, 90 “I don’t have to get up but once a night now”

Verified Buyer

Before I started taking the BetterWOMAN I had to get up several times a night, now I don’t have to get up but once.  I’m much better during the day, too.

Mary M. - "I am only getting up 1 time at night now"

Verified Buyer

I have been taking BetterWOMAN since 2015. I used to get up several times a night which really interrupted my sleep. Now I only get up 1 time at night. BetterWOMAN works well for me. Even though I still need to be careful for certain food like coffee or juice, I am doing pretty well and happy.

Toni L. 45, drink a TON of water

Verified Buyer

I truly noticed a difference after I took two bottles of BetterWOMAN. I don’t have problems with bladder “control.”  In other words, I can “hold it” when I have to and don’t have the “leak” or “accident” issues. However, I drink a TON of water. I love water. It’s almost all I drink and I don’t feel right if I don’t have my water bottle in-hand at all times. So, I pretty much have to use the ladies room at least once an hour throughout the day. However, by bedtime, I usually need to go about three times within the final hour before I fall asleep and then immediately when I wake up. This is where I really noticed the difference when taking BetterWOMAN. I found that I was only needing to go once right before bed. It was SO nice to not have to get up 2-3 more times once I was already in bed. So I would say for me, the benefit of BetterWOMAN is not bladder control but reduced bathroom trips. That’s really nice.

Ellen W.

Verified Buyer

BetterWOMAN has been the best thing for my bladder problem.  The doctor has never given me anything that has worked so well.

Pat T. 74, Helped Tremendously!

Verified Buyer

I just started BetterWoman last month and am already seeing great results. I am74 years old and was constantly wearing pads and worrying about embarrassing situations because I take the bus everywhere. BetterWoman has helped me tremendously! I sing in an elderly choir that visit nursing homes and I plan on speaking with residents there about the BetterWoman product. Tremendously helpful. Thank you!

Mae E – very good product!

Verified Buyer

I have been using BetterWoman since 2009 – over 10 years!  I think that says it all!!!

Clara, 69

Verified Buyer

I am a very active 69. I travel a lot. It was very inconvenient when I was in an unfamiliar environment and had to look for a restroom constantly. Now I don’t need to think about the location of the next bathroom. I can laugh fully and freely without concern. I’ve got my dependable body back again! Also, after 6 bottles, I started to notice a sensation of improved libido—a long forgotten feeling. That is really wonderful! I will be on BetterWOMAN as long as I am in action.

Lawrence Dorman, DO, Applewood Medical Center, Missouri

Verified Buyer

The majority of my patients (ranging in age from 37 to 73) have noticed dramatic improvements in their urinary control issues within 6 to 8 weeks of taking BetterWOMAN. One patient has several years of bladder control history. After one bottle, she started to see improvements. Another patient saw her bladder control issue greatly improved after 60 days. I am very happy with the results

Paul Cutler, MD, PC. Niagara Falls, NY

Verified Buyer

I am very happy with the response from my patients. They are mostly women over 60, and many of them saw improvements within 60 days. One young 28-year-old woman had unpredictable leakage. I treated her with BetterWOMAN, and she has been very happy with the results.

Gary Kracoff, R.Ph. Johnson Drug, Waltham, MA

Verified Buyer

I never realized how big this problem was. We have already had many better women! The majority of the customers start to see improvements when using BetterWOMAN as directed. Nearly all customers have continued to use BetterWOMAN long term. A woman in her 70s told me that she was housebound, and now she can go out and enjoy her life again. What a relief!”

Delsa, 55

Verified Buyer

I am a nurse working in an emergency room. It is not easy for me to deal with my own urine leakage problem. Whenever I sneezed, coughed or bent, I got wet. I noticed obvious improvements after 2 bottles of BetterWOMAN. Now I very rarely get wet.”

Dana, 65

Verified Buyer

I used to get up 4-5 times a night. I was told it was normal at this age. My friend told me about BetterWOMAN. Now, I can sleep through most nights. What a difference with my energy level! BetterWOMAN is worth every single penny!

Sonya, 74

Verified Buyer

I LOVE BetterWOMAN. I am 74 years old and have been on BetterWOMAN for over a year and it works wonderfully! It works so well, I have recommended your product to several of my friends and have even started my 95 year old mother on it.

Deanna, for her 99 year old mother

Verified Buyer

This is my 3rd order for my mother. My mother used to get up 6-7 times per night to go to bathroom, now only once. She is much more energetic and in good spirits. I also noticed that the number of pads she uses during the daytime has decreased. These are big improvements. I am very happy with BetterWOMAN.

Faye, 91

Verified Buyer

Dear Sir/Madam: I am so happy to find something that helps me with my bladder problems. I am 91 years old and was getting up three and four times every night. It started about a year ago and got worse. I went to the doctor and he did nothing…told me to do Kegel exercises, which did not help. I saw your ad in a magazines and thought, ‘Oh, my, this sounds like the very thing I need.’ So I ordered one bottle to try out and I am so happy…It Works! I now sleep better and have more energy as I was losing sleep and just dragging around with no energy. Now I feel like taking exercises and going swimming with the exercise classes. Thank you, Thank you for the wonderful research to help us senior citizens. Now, I am a BetterWOMAN. Amen! I am enclosing my check for some more, and I am telling all my friends in this Assisted Living Apartments about this wonderful product that helps incontinence in senior citizens.

P. Cutler, MD, PC. Niagara Falls, NY

Verified Buyer

I am very happy with the response from my patients. One young 28-year-old woman had occasional stress urinary incontinence. She did not respond to other treatment. I treated her with BetterWOMAN, and she was very happy with it.

A case for calming bladder – Sara, 47*

Verified Buyer

BetterWOMAN worked for me! I am a much happier person after just 2 bottles. I am calmer when my bladder is calmer. Thank you!

A case of 20 years of bladder control problems – Maggie, 78*

Verified Buyer

I started to have bladder control problems 20 years ago with some leakages. I ordered 2 bottles of BetterWOMAN and almost finished both now. I believe it is starting to work for me slowly. I can feel the control now that I could not feel before. Yesterday I was on a phone call and had to go to the bathroom. But I did not want to cut short the conversation. I was okay. Normally I would have leaked out.

A case of 6 years of bladder control problems – Anna, 66*

Verified Buyer

I started to have bladder control problems during the day and night several years ago. I am an active 66 and still have lots of fun with my life. If it were not for BetterWOMAN, I would NEVER have dared to take the leading role in a play last year in a community theater. I would be scared to death to have to go to bathroom in the middle of my performance. In addition, BetterWOMAN also has helped my energy levels tremendously. I do not get tired so easily now.

A case of husband helping wife- Fred's wife, 81*

Verified Buyer

My wife is 81. I put her on BetterWOMAN for her bladder control problem and sometimes bed wetting. I saw some results fairly quickly because I did not have to change sheets as often. Now I am ordering BetterMAN for myself to help with nighttime urinary frequency.

A case of long time bladder control problems – Catherine, 51*

Verified Buyer

I have been on BetterWOMAN for 6 months, my dripping has been much better. I now can feel more control. I can attest that BetterWOMAN has helped me tremendously with this bladder problem that occurred for the bulk of my life.

A case of wife helping husband – Ester, 79*

Verified Buyer

I am 79 and proud of it. I am very active. What bothers me most about my unpredictable leakage is that it is very inconvenient. Not a happy thing. I read about BetterWOMAN in Dr. Whitaker’s newsletter and decided to give it a try. My feeling of bladder control is better now. Previously I could not feel the control. I am still wearing pads, but much less now. I hope the control will become better with continued usage. Also my husband has to go to bathroom often too. So I put him on BetterMAN!

A case with 24 years of bladder control problems – Katy, 61*

Verified Buyer

I have had bladder control problems since I was 37. Seven years ago I started to wear pads.  I tried 3 bottles of BetterWOMAN first and started to feel it helped a little, but I was still wearing pads. Now I am on the 7th bottle and the leakage is much better. I feel much better in control. Thank you.

A case with additional discovery of bladder control – Kathy, 53*

Verified Buyer

My bladder was okay with occasional leakage when I sneezed or laughed. Several years ago, I started to experience more unpredictable leakages. My biggest problem was at night, I needed to go every hour, to hour and a half. I was exhausted. I read about BetterWOMAN in Dr. Whitaker’s newsletter and ordered it. I am now on the second bottle and I can sleep 4 to 4.5 hours. Last night, I lasted 5 hours without having to go!!! I noticed another thing. In this allergy season, I did not leak at all when I sneezed. I have to say BetterWOMAN has changed my life!!! Thank you.

A case with initial results of BetterWOMAN– Peggy, 56*

Verified Buyer

I have only used one bottle so far, BetterWOMAN seems to help me better emptying my bladder. I don’t have as many days with frequent urge. I really like to continue using the product to see if I can get better results.

A case with pee pill– Monet, 41*

Verified Buyer

I used to get up at least 2-3 times a night. I could not travel long distance without stop at a restroom. I was afraid of drinking water in the movie theater. I have been on BetterWOMAN for 2 months now and already noticed some improvement. Now, before we go on a long trip, my husband will jokingly remind me to take ‘the pee pill’. I recommend anyone with bladder control problems, to try this product.

Alice, 88 – (an active woman in her late 80s)*

Verified Buyer

I could not take two cups of coffee in the morning if I was going out. In the evening, it disturbed my rest. I read about BetterWOMAN in Dr. Whitaker’s newsletter and started to take it. Now I get lots of sleep. That is great. People ask me ‘Alice, how can you never stop?’ I said, ‘I am full of energy’. You know what BetterWOMAN is? It is freedom in a bottle for all of us.

Beth, 44 – (a lifetime of bladder control problems)*

Verified Buyer

I started to have bladder problems when I was 16 and school was hell for me. The teachers wouldn’t let you out. After I entered my 40s, I had to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes. I would not have had my current job as a receptionist if not for BetterWOMAN. Now I can last 2 hours with no problem. I just want to say Thank you. Thank you.

Clara, 69 – (no longer worry when travel)*

Verified Buyer

I am a very active 69. I travel a lot. It was very inconvenient when I was in an unfamiliar environment and had to look for a restroom constantly. Now I don’t need to think about the location of the next bathroom. I can laugh fully and freely without concern. I’ve got my dependable body back again! Also, after 6 bottles, I started to notice a sensation of improved libido—a long forgotten feeling. That is really wonderful! I will be on BetterWOMAN as long as I am in action.

Dana, 56 – (years of bladder control issues)*

Verified Buyer

I completed one bottle of the product and did not notice any differences in my urge to go to the bathroom. I don’t think the product is any good and would work for me. I am disappointed. (Comments from BetterWOMAN team – the recommended minimum dosage is 3 bottles. It may take longer time to see the results for some people. We strongly recommend new users to be patient and give BetterWOMAN enough time to deliver the benefits.)

Janet H.

Verified Buyer

Better Woman does help A LITTLE but doesn’t take care of all the problems.

Dana, 65 – (improved nighttime sleep)*

Verified Buyer

I used to get up 4-5 times a night. I was told it was normal at this age. My friend told me about BetterWOMAN. Now, I can sleep through most nights. What a difference with my energy level! BetterWOMAN is worth every single penny!

Deanna 99 – (daughter orders BetterWOMAN for her 99 year old mother)*

Verified Buyer

This is my 3rd order for my mother. My mother used to get up 6-7 times per night to go to bathroom, now only once. She is much more energetic and in good spirits. I also noticed that the number of pads she uses during the daytime has decreased. These are big improvements. I am very happy with BetterWOMAN.

Deb, 53 – (peri-menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I found I am not as smart as I used to be and could not multi-task anymore – my brain is just like a cotton ball, fuzzy and cannot concentrate. Also, I started to leak when I sneeze or laugh. After 4 months on BetterWOMAN, my leakage is under control and I can think clearly again because I can sleep better now .

Debbie, 62 – (my life saver!)*

Verified Buyer

This is my life saver !!! I am ordering 10 bottles today and will never want to run out it!

Delsa, 55 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I am a nurse working in an emergency room. It is not easy for me to deal with my own urine leakage problem. Whenever I sneezed, coughed or bent, I got wet. I noticed obvious improvements after 2 bottles of BetterWOMAN. Now I very rarely get wet. It’s a great product.

Dorothy, 93 (I am glad I listened to the BetterWOMAN consultant and stayed with the product)*

Verified Buyer

I tried 2 bottles of BetterWOMAN for my incontinence problems and thought it was not working for me. When I called the customer service line and talked to a BetterWOMAN consultant, I was told that it was too soon for me to see results. I followed her advice and ordered 6 more bottles. Now on my 4th bottle, I feel the urge is more manageable and can sleep much better without having to get up every hour. I am taking the pill faithfully now in order to see even more positive results. I am grateful for BetterWOMAN and its consultants for helping me with this terrible problem.

Emily, 75 – (home bound)*

Verified Buyer

I am thrilled with the results of BetterWOMAN. I could not leave my house without several trips to the bathroom. Now I can go out for a period of time with no need to go to bathroom until I come back. My son has urination problem as well. I told him about BetterMAN.

Evelyn, 83 – ($7,000 dental expenses could be avoided)*

Verified Buyer

I was on treatments for my bladder problems for 3 years. The drugs caused such severe dry mouth that I had to have $7,000 worth of dental work done to my bridges and crowns! My dentist explained to me that saliva helps to control the bacteria and the lack of it caused extensive decay under my existing dental work which had to be removed before he could deal with the decay. The dentist said it was absolutely caused by the dry mouth. I stopped taking those terrible drugs and started BetterWOMAN. I love BetterWOMAN. It is easy to take. No side effects at all.

Faye, 91 – (‘Thank you for helping us senior citizens!’)*

Verified Buyer

Dear Sir/Madam: I am so happy to find something that helps me with my bladder problems. I am 91 years old and was getting up three and four times every night. It started about a year ago and got worse. I went to the doctor and he did nothing…told me to do Kegel exercises, which did not help. I saw your ad in a magazines and thought, ‘Oh, my, this sounds like the very thing I need.’ So I ordered one bottle to try out and I am so happy…It Works! I now sleep better and have more energy as I was losing sleep and just dragging around with no energy. Now I feel like taking exercises and going swimming with the exercise classes. Thank you, Thank you for the wonderful research to help us senior citizens. Now, I am a BetterWOMAN. Amen! I am enclosing my check for some more, and I am telling all my friends in this Assisted Living Apartments about this wonderful product that helps incontinence in senior citizens. Sincerely, Faye

Gary Kracoff, R.Ph. Johnson Drug, Waltham, MA

Verified Buyer

I never realized how big this problem was. We have already had many better women! The majority of the customers start to see improvements when using BetterWOMAN as directed. Nearly all customers have continued to use BetterWOMAN long term. A woman in her 70s told me that she was housebound, and now she can go out and enjoy her life again. What a relief!

Jane, 78 – (spent $30 per month on pads before)*

Verified Buyer

I used to wet myself when I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. The urine seemed to have its own life and just came down. I spent an average of $30 monthly on protective pads. I talked to my girlfriends and almost all of them have this problem. My daughter attended a medical conference and she introduced me to BetterWOMAN. I noticed a big improvement after only TWO bottles—the leakage became much less of an issue. I am on my third bottles and looking forward to continued improvements. I am overjoyed! I am myself again.

Janet, 52 –(thrilled)*

Verified Buyer

My life is no longer in the toilet!!!!!!

Jennifer, 54 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I am 54. In the last 6 months my problems were: taking a sip of anything and need to go immediately, which is especially difficult if you are driving, trouble holding it when trying to find a bathroom fast, had to go constantly, leakage when I coughed or sneezed, and going 1-3 times during the night. I saw immediate improvements during my first bottle; it helped me to not have to go immediately, and not so often. …

Joyce, 50 – (peri-menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I just started to enter the peri-menopausal phase. I noticed that I started to get wet sometimes when I laughed very hard. After I tried 2 bottles of BetterWOMAN, not only did the leakage became much less a problem,  and much less night sweats as well that was associated with menopause.

Julie, 37 – (sleep better and energy levels improved as well)

Verified Buyer

My energy level has improved a lot because I don’t have to get up so often to pee anymore.  I can sleep much better now!

June, 55 – (prefer gentle natural remedy)*

Verified Buyer

BetterWOMAN has been the answer to my prayers. I prefer gentle and natural products. BetterWOMAN works once it gets into my system. That takes time but it is worth it in the long run. Thank you.

Katie, 57 – (from multiple pads a day, down to one pad a day and still improving)*

Verified Buyer

I used to wear several pads a day and had tried various products, each for several years, and still have bladder problems. Then my husband found BetterWOMAN for me to try. I saw results within just a few months of using it. I also tried a higher dosage: I started with 2 a day, and then I used 4 a day and then 6 a day. Now I am down to 1 pad a day and still improving. I am ordering 12 bottles today and I would never want to run out of BetterWOMAN.

Kayle, 56 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I started to have frequent urination problems after menopause. After taking BetterWOMAN for two months, the urge to go to the bathroom during the day has been reduced noticeably. This makes my life much easier because I love to be outdoors and love to travel.  I like to drink lots of water too. BetterWOMAN gives me back the freedom to do whatever I enjoy. I like this feeling.

Lawrence Dorman, DO, Applewood Medical Center, Missouri

Verified Buyer

The majority of my patients (ranging in age from 37 to 73) have noticed dramatic improvements in their urinary control issues within 6 to 8 weeks of taking BetterWOMAN. One patient has several years of bladder control history. After one bottle, she started to see improvements. Another patient saw her bladder control issue greatly improved after 60 days. I am very happy with the results.

Lynn, 52 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

After taking BetterWOMAN for 3 months, I noticed the frequency of my night sweats reduced quite a bit. I can sleep better, and that makes me much easier to concentrate during the day.

Maria, 37 – (bladder issue after childbirth)

Verified Buyer

I have had a bladder problem since my second child. For the past year, I had to use the bathroom just about every hour. I hated to spend so much of my life in the bathroom! After taking BetterWOMAN, I can last 4 hours now!

Marian, 44 – (a typical case of a peri-menopausal woman)*

Verified Buyer

I started to notice urgency in urination when I entered into the peri -menopausal phase. I thought this was part of the aging process until I tried BetterWOMAN. It took me a while to notice improvement. In the beginning, I noticed almost nothing. While I was on the third bottle, my urinary urgency greatly improved. On my 4th bottle, I felt I did not have the leakage any more when I laugh or sneeze. I feel it helped my peri-menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats as well. I am very happy with BetterWOMAN. I believe in a product that works slowly into my system rather than hormone replacement.

Marian, 60 – (over 30 years of bladder control problems)*

Verified Buyer

I started to notice bladder control problems 30 years ago, after I had a C-section. 10 years ago, I had a hysterectomy. After that, bladder control became a big problem. I was afraid to go out, even with pads. I started to have some treatments 4 years ago and I had experienced terrible side effects. My husband bought BetterWOMAN for me. I noticed very obvious improvement within just days! Now I am on my 4th bottle, and I can go out without being afraid. I am so happy!

Maurice, 56 – (thought BetterWOMAN was not working for her)*

Verified Buyer

This product really works! I used it for awhile and didn’t think it did anything…Now that I’m off it I realize how much I need it back!

Michelle, 55 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

BetterWOMAN works well for me. It is much better for my health and budget. Thank you!

Reta, 94 – (experienced terrible side effects from other products and thrilled about BetterWOMAN)*

Verified Buyer

I have had bladder problems for over 25 years. I have tried all kinds of bladder control treatments. Some helped, but they caused such terrible dry mouth that I was visiting a throat specialist once a month. I ordered my first 4 bottles of BetterWOMAN in January 2007. I have been on it ever since. No more dry mouth, no more dry throat. My bladder problems are not completely gone yet, but BetterWOMAN has been a tremendous help. I am ordering more today and will continue to take it.

Alice W.

Verified Buyer

I’m just two bottles into using BetterWOMAN and I’ve already noticed a difference!  It’s controlling my bladder!  I can’t wait to see how much improvement I can notice as I continue to use BetterWoman.  You’d be crazy not to give this a try!

Ruth, 80 – (gentle to take and no side effects)*

Verified Buyer

I have used this product for two months with very good results. My Urologist prescribed meds that had horrific side effects. I prefer natural products that are gentle with no side effects. I find BetterWOMAN pleasant to take and have no side effects. I haven’t had an accident in several weeks!

Sandy, 52 – (menopause)*

Verified Buyer

I am 52 and on my second bottle of BetterWOMAN. The first thing I can tell is that I can sneeze and laugh without a panic attack. Ha Ha..

Sasha, 49 – (reduced bathroom trips)*

Verified Buyer

I have been using BetterWOMAN for my frequent urination and leakage issues. Interestingly, BetterWOMAN not only helps my bladder control problems, I have also noticed that my mood is better and I have more energy.

Sister Margaret, 92 – (a comment from her nurse)

Verified Buyer

Sister Margaret, 92 years old, only has to get up 1 time during the night when before she started Better Woman she was getting up 4 times a night. She is extremely happy!