The Best Exercises for Arthritis

The right workout routine can help you feel better throughout the day and night.

When you have swollen and painful joints, the thought of exercise can be daunting. But with exercise reducing arthritis pain and stiffness, it’s important for people with arthritis to make time for regular activity. Many studies show that exercise helps people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, reducing pain and improving energy and quality of life. (1,2)

But what’s the best way to exercise when you struggle with chronic joint pain? It’s not going from being a couch potato to running a half marathon a few weeks later. Read on to learn what types of exercise help with arthritis pain, along with five of the best activities for arthritis.

The Right Type of Fitness Routine for People with Arthritis

The key to exercising with arthritis is to do low-impact activities, which are gentle on joints. Research has found that aerobic activities, stretching, and strength training can all help reduce pain when done with low-to-moderate intensity.

The best exercises for you depend on where you experience pain, whether that’s in your hands, feet, knees, back, or somewhere else. The key is placing minimal stress on your sensitive areas while regularly moving and stretching your body.

The 5 Best Low-Impact Exercises for Arthritis Pain

1. Swimming

Swimming is the aerobic exercise that places the least pressure on your joints. People with hip, knee, or back pain often find swimming the only activity that doesn’t exacerbate pain. And with water’s resistance, swimming is great for muscle strengthening and getting your heart rate going.

2. Biking

Cycling is one of the best exercises for arthritis. (3) Biking puts very little stress on your hips, knees, and feet while allowing you to work out the stiffness in these joints. And with stationary bikes being one of the most affordable pieces of home workout equipment, cycling makes an excellent daily exercise.

3. Walking

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that’s free and a great way to start working out when you haven’t done so in a while. You might choose to walk your dog or join a local walking group.

4. Gardening

Gardening helps strengthen muscles and improve range of motion as you grow older. Our one warning is that repetitive motions can make arthritis pain worse, so you may want to be cautious of too much gardening if you have painful arthritis in your hands.

5. Group Fitness Classes

Group fitness classes are a wonderful way to have fun when working out. Plus, activities like yoga, pilates, and water aerobics combine stretching, strengthening, and aerobic fitness all in one, making them a good all-around fitness routine.

How Much Physical Activity Should I Do With Arthritis?

The key to managing arthritis pain with exercise is to be active without overdoing it. The best activity level depends upon your symptoms and current physical fitness, so you may need to do some trial and error to find the right balance.

Start with an amount of activity that’s more than you’ve been doing, but only by a few minutes. Then, add on about five minutes per session each week, paying attention to any signs your body gives you. If you experience more pain, decrease the time you work out or try another activity.

A good final goal is 15–30 minutes of movement twice daily. But the right amount for you may be more or less. Speak with your doctor or a personal trainer if you want help ramping up exercise to manage arthritis pain.

How to Stick With Exercise

When you begin a new fitness routine, concentrate on creating a habit. Schedule your activity for the same time each day, whether that’s once per day or twice. This regularity can help you stick with your goals long-term.

Additionally, be sure that you’re getting plenty of rest and eating a healthy diet to help speed physical recovery. You may consider adding an anti-inflammatory supplement like Better Curcumin to help ease stiffness.*

RELATED: Can Curcumin-Based Supplements Relieve Joint Pain?

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