Do I Have an Overactive Bladder? How Often is Too Often

Not sure if you pee too often? Find out what constitutes an overactive bladder. 

Does it seem like you make more stops to the bathroom than you once did? Maybe you have to pull over more often on longer drives, or you find yourself unable to sleep through the night due to a persistent urge to urinate.

Many people find themselves heading to the bathroom more often as they age. So, how do you know if your experience is normal or if you have a bladder control problem? There are many factors to consider when determining if your bladder is overactive or simply experiencing run-of-the-mill changes.

How Many Times Do Most People Pee Each Day?

In 24 hours, the average person heads to the bathroom (1). However, there are plenty of people of all ages who tally closer to ten times per day without any cause for concern.

Why might you urinate more than the typical person?

  • High Caffeine Intake: Coffee, tea, and soda are all common culprits for the regular bathroom-goer.
  • Diet: What you eat influences how often you urinate (2). Good foods for decreasing bathroom breaks include whole grains, veggies, and fruits. Think high-fiber and low sodium!
  • Medications: Many medications cause urinary incontinence, increasing your urge to urinate (3). These include high blood pressure medications, pain relievers, and antidepressants.
  • Bladder Size: Everyone is born with a unique bladder, and yours may simply be smaller than that of the average person.

When Urinary Frequency Becomes a Problem

The most obvious sign of urinary incontinence, which is when you start to lose bladder control, is an increase in how often you need to relieve your bladder. If you notice a dramatic change in how often you head to the bathroom in a matter of days, weeks, or months, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

You should not ignore a rapid change in your bathroom requirements—something is causing it. It could be a medical condition like diabetes or a urinary tract infection. Or the cause may be more mundane, including a change in your habits such as drinking more alcohol or caffeine.

Another sign that frequent urination may be a problem is when it occurs alongside any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain when urinating
  • Dribbling or leaking between bathroom breaks
  • Peeing small amounts
  • Dark or cloudy urine
  • Strong urine smell
  • Bedwetting
  • Back pain

Make an appointment to see your doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms or if your overactive bladder negatively impacts your quality of life. We recommend keeping a urination log or diary for a few days before heading in. If you can, it’s also helpful to write down what you eat and drink and the supplements or medications you take.

How to Treat Bladder Control Problems

It is not uncommon to pee more often as you get older. However, there are things you can do to slow this progression. Here is a list of the top lifestyle changes that can help you control how often you head to the bathroom so you can sleep well and enjoy your days.

1. Don’t Drink Before Bed

Limit liquid consumption two to four hours before bedtime. Too much water can lead to nocturia, a condition where you need to wake up multiple times at night to relieve yourself.

2. Try Bladder Training

Bladder training is a method for getting your bladder muscles into good shape. It can help lessen your urge to urinate. During training:

  • Perform daily Kegel exercises.
  • Delay bathroom trips by small increments. When you feel like you need to pee, wait five or ten minutes before heading to the bathroom.
  • Keep a journal to track your progress.

3. Eat High-Fiber Foods

Most foods high in fiber can decrease how often you need to pee, including vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.

4. Consume Less Salt

Sodium consumption is a common culprit in the overactive bladder space. Fast foods and pre-packaged foods tend to be high in sodium. Cutting these out may help you save some time running to the bathroom.

5. Try a Natural Bladder Control Supplement

There are natural compounds that may help you find some relief. Instead of combing the local pharmacy to create your own all-natural concoction, give BetterWOMAN or BetterMAN a try. Many users report improved bladder control problems. *Both have been clinically tested and used by thousands of American women for over twenty years.

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