Do I Have Bladder Problems? Take a Simple Bladder Control Test

Understand your bladder struggles with an online bladder control test.

Do you sometimes feel like your bladder controls you? Maybe you avoid long drives or have to wear adult diapers when you spend time with loved ones away from your home. Or you might find yourself cleaning your bedding daily or avoiding sex because you’re worried about a mishap.

Our online bladder control tests can help you figure out what’s going on, so you better understand the hurdles you face when it comes to bladder health.

To learn more about your bladder, try our BetterMAN or BetterWOMAN bladder control tests.

What Is a Bladder Control Test?

Interceutical’s online tests help you identify your bladder struggles. For example, you may discover that you feel the need to go more often than you should, or that frequent urination is wreaking havoc on your nightly sleep.

When you take the test, we send you your results via an email to help you track your progress. Once you have your baseline bladder control data, you can try various strategies to improve your bladder function, seeing what works and what doesn’t.

For instance, you might start taking the natural herbal remedies BetterMAN or BetterWOMAN daily to see how they influence your bladder control over a couple of months. Then you could add in pelvic floor exercises to try and gain even greater improvements. Check-in on your progress by retaking the bladder control test and comparing your results over time.

How Can I Evaluate My Bladder?

We’ve designed two tests, one for men and one for women, as common bladder issues are different depending on your gender. To see what’s going on with your bladder and develop a plan, take a bladder control test today.

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