Poor sleep may increase the loss of bladder control: getting a good night sleep matters

We know that bladder control issues can disrupt your sleep. Now, there is a study that suggests poor sleep quality that continues over a prolonged period of time could lead to loss of bladder control and occasional incontinence. These findings remind us all that a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health.

New England Research Institutes of Watertown, Massachusetts followed 1610 men and 2535 women for five years to monitor the development of sleep disturbances related to loss of bladder control and urinary tract health. The mean baseline age of the study subjects was 48. Researchers found that women reporting disturbed sleep had a 78% increase in the odds of urinary incontinence.

“We’re suggesting this is probably a bidirectional relationship,” said Dr. Raymond Rosen. “We think of the patient with bladder control issues as having disturbed sleep, and that in turn produces quality-of-life problems or health problems for that individual. This study is suggesting that we should also think of the reverse. Someone who has sleep difficulties is at significantly increased risk of urologic problems, and we want to understand more about that.”

The results of this study clearly suggest you need to strive to improve the quality of your sleep. If you are a poor sleeper, for any reason, it is important to seek help. Make an effort to eliminate all possible causes that disturb your sleep, such as heavy snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome. It is vitally important.

Of course, if bladder control is bothering you and disturbing your sleep at night, take actions as well with clinically-tested products such as BetterWOMAN and BetterMAN to help you sleep better, and provide support for better bladder control.


To your health.

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